Paranoid V.05

V.05 - Paranoid.

[+] New intro movie + start screen.

[+] New options Fullscreen support, Audio muting, resolution scale and display resolution support on Ultrawide Monitors.

[+] Added menu's for campaigns and test build where primarily new content is tested for later in game use. will be used later as a museum as such to look at how the object is made for public game demonstration.

[+] Test area new features: Interaction on Doorway mechanic, Sounds added, crouch controls, Sanity meter (used to calculate the paranoia of the player), Computer Screen UI + visualisers, NPCs and dialog interactions. 

[+] added debug menu for certain scenarios to be correct in campaign and later full bug tested 100%.

[+] walk bobbling re-added for realistic look

[+] added music created by myself as well as custom sound que's for selection options 

For V.06 - Paranoid.

[~] Add potentially more to Computer screen UI to be more a productive main system in the games cycle.

[~] Update Dev log in game.

[~] add more in game scenarios to fill out gameplay experience

[~] start developing full rooms for campaign for demo release soon.